Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Social Branches

I am a self professed anti-social. I am probably more sociable than Sig.Ot but compared to most of my friends, I am so much more fussy when it comes to meeting people. Friends I keep in touch with are friends whom I treasure so dearly.

First of all I do not or rarely do threesomes. This means I would rather be hit with a spade at the back of my head than attend any GROUP gatherings. I loathe reunion dinners / gatherings etc. In my opinion most people attend reunion dinners merely to gossip and their inquisitiveness has nothing to do with genuine concerns as they are mere busybodies.

I like one to one interaction with my friends. As a result, during the past 12 years I have formed social branches rather than social circle. My friends do not meet each other. The only times they have come together were for my KL farewell party, hen's night and wedding.

One very odd co-incidence is that over the past 12 years, I have met 3 very good friends who do not know each other but share the same birthday i.e. 12th August! They are also of very different ages, 30 -32 -44, and races, Malay - Chinese - Caucasion. Most importantly, they are very wonderful friends, just like all of you are.

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