Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hunt for the Elusive Words

It kills me not to be able to think and channel my thoughts towards anything specific. This is what we call "tak tentu arah" in Bahasa Malaysia. Perhaps this is what separates us mere mortals from the great thinkers e.g. Aristotle, Confucius or Socrates

Why do we mere mortals need daily routines and jobs? Is it to keep us unthinking? Is that what drive people nuts in asylums or prisons? When people have no distractions whatsoever and all they have to themselves are their thoughts alone. Perhaps our minds have been so conditioned to operate with pre-programmed routines that when the use of your brain exclusively to think for a prolonged period of time may drive one insane? Or in my case, I do not know what to think!

Perhaps to be a great thinker, apart from intelligence of course, would be one's ability to be at ease with one's mind and do nothing else but to think.

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