Thursday, May 28, 2009

Faking It

I am watching Ellen talkshow as I am writing this. You know how the more successful talk shows usually have gifts for all its studio audiences? (Obviously not Jerry Springer). I suppose it is a good marketing campaign for the product considering the millions of viewers these popular talkshows have. However, you never know what is being given out until during the show. In Y2004, Oprah actually gave out cars to ALL her 276 studio audiences.

So imagine you finally get the ticket to go watch the show which I believe has got a very long wait list. You turn up for the show and unless they have got a hunk on the show (Hugh, Christian or George), you are pretty much all hyped up for the mystery gift.

Imagine today, the gift revealed to the audience is 1 year supply of all natural washing detergent. I suppose the "1 year" bit kinds of give it some oomph. But just imagine the sheer disappointment, in fact a collective disappointment of over 200 hundred people. Nevertheless they could not express what they felt, but to cheer on as per the studio instruction, haha. Just imagine as these people cheered the revealed mystery gift, all their heads were thinking the same thing, "Damn, all the trouble just for washing detergent!"

Torn between the truth and political correctness? We have all been there; told the lies but wished we could have been more honest about that dress, the hair (don't worry reena, your hair is really hot!), the weight, the bags (ahem) etc. Of course, some of us were mere bitchy and told the lies out of malice or insecurity.

However it is tough if someone gets you a present with total sincerity but you absolutely hate the gift. I suppose in this instance, you could just be totally honest and be appreciative of the person's kindness and thoughtfulness.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hunt for the Elusive Words

It kills me not to be able to think and channel my thoughts towards anything specific. This is what we call "tak tentu arah" in Bahasa Malaysia. Perhaps this is what separates us mere mortals from the great thinkers e.g. Aristotle, Confucius or Socrates

Why do we mere mortals need daily routines and jobs? Is it to keep us unthinking? Is that what drive people nuts in asylums or prisons? When people have no distractions whatsoever and all they have to themselves are their thoughts alone. Perhaps our minds have been so conditioned to operate with pre-programmed routines that when the use of your brain exclusively to think for a prolonged period of time may drive one insane? Or in my case, I do not know what to think!

Perhaps to be a great thinker, apart from intelligence of course, would be one's ability to be at ease with one's mind and do nothing else but to think.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


During most parts of our growing up years, our mothers said alot of "you will understand when you grow up / become a mom" etc. How true it is. In fact for the past 12 months I would have eaten back so many words that I would burp enough alphabets to last Sesame Street for one whole season.

When you have a child, I think most parts of your wedding vows have been renegaded on. At least that is true for me. When I got married we did the whole "in sickness and health thing", but when I had Eddie the equation changed somewhat. Yes of course I would stick with him through thick and thin, but when it comes to the drowning question (the trick question about 2 people drowning and who you would save), I would have to leave Sig.Ot behind this time round to swim back to shore.

As for the value of my life, I lived through the earlier part of my prime* i.e. 20s believing that I was invincible. I would not think twice about bungee jumping, sky diving or getting a 500cc bike. I mean when I drove and the lights turn yellow, what did I do? Not slow down but made a quick check to see whether there's any traffic camera before stepping on either the accelerator or the brake. These days when I drive, I wear the seat belt not out of fear of the local traffic police but simply because I would not want Eddie to lose his mother.

If I were to travel out of the country without Eddie, I tend to have irrational fear of 101 things that may happen to me. There have been a couple of times when I wrote last minute wills in the event I perished during the course of my journey. Speaking of which I'd better see a lawyer to get the will fine-tuned.

Finally, do you remember Madeleine McCann or this Chinese boy from Perak who went missing more than 15 years ago? (The Chinese boy's posters could be found everywhere at that time). I felt very sorry for their parents when they were kidnapped but only now, I can truly truly understand the phrase "mad with grief." If anything happens to my child, I too, would go mad with grief.

*N.B. I am still in my prime.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Will the Real Perak MB please stand up...x3

Friday May 22, 2009

Court of Appeal: Dr Zambry is Perak MB

The Court of Appeal has declared Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir the rightful Perak mentri besar. In a unanimous decision on Friday, it granted Dr Zambry, his appeal against the High Court decision on May 11, which had declared that Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin was the rightful Perak mentri besar.

What a joke, no wonder Firefly flights from Ipoh still not finalised because they probably do not know whom to seek favors from.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Eddie!

Motherly love has been written about so much and whatever I am thinking of writing probably would not be anymore different. Unconditional love, apple of my eye, etc.

All I know is that 1 year ago on this very day, I was so afraid of taking on motherhood. Now I will not trade it back for the whole universe!!!

What a very quick first year and the many years that will follow. Moral of the story? Don't miss any second of it!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Will the Real Perak MB please stand up...x3

Nizar is rightful MB: High Court

KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court here ruled on Monday that Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is the rightful Perak Mentri Besar, and not Barisan Nasional’s Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Eddie's 1st ever Birthday Bash!

I did it! I held Eddie's first ever birthday party. We invited 5 kids who turned up and had fun, I hope. After much debates and contemplation and long distance phone call and msn, I decided to bake the carrot cake after all.

My pride and joy; I kept telling who ever that paid me any attention that I baked the cake, from the pizza delivery guy to the lady who worked behind the counter. For days I was worried bout the icing as I am not very good at it. Sig.Ot also added to my misery by telling me that Eddie could not have daisies on his cake. According to him, boys should have rockets or fast cars. I told him that the problem with drawing a rocket is that if it goes wrong, it could look very rude. So I came up with an excellent solution. Thomas Tank Engine!!!

Eddie does not know Thomas but at least it is cool enough to show off to his friends. I went to buy Thomas in the smallest size they had and drew train tracks on the cake. Of course my blue daisies lined the sides of the cake.

I even had gate-crashers, a grandmother with her sleeping grandchild who were mistaken by the venue staff as our party guest. Of course the aunty did not realise that we have booked the whole venue. We did not mind a bit and offered them food and drinks as well. The most surprising kind gesture from them to top off my kind gesture was that some time during the course of the party, the grandmother's daughter snuck off to buy Eddie a birthday pressie! And guess what she bought? A Thomas Tank dvd! She must have seen the cake and assumed that Eddie liked Thomas. Honestly that was such a thoughtful gesture. I hope I see them again and thank them properly. But then again I was very kind too, I gave them door gifts and balloons as well.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Birthday parties and everything fancy

I have been wondering for the past week whether I should hold Eddie his 1st birthday party. Honestly he wouldn't know any better. Neither would he have any memory of it in the future.
Reasons why a party is in order would be either for photographic memory (literally) or an excuse for parents to get together for a beer or two. Ever wondered why there are so many kiddy birthday parties on Sunday afternoon at Bangsar Chili's?

However since my parents are coming down to celebrate Eddie's birthday, I shall throw him a party. Not a boozy one but a kiddy one. I came up with a brilliant idea to hold a party where all his friends meet everyday. That would be our local playground, a very nice local playground where Eddie has made more friends than both Sig.Ot and I combined, in Singapore. That way I do not even have to do an invite and just turn up with birthday cake, food and drinks for the children and their nannies. Their parents will not be obliged to turn up or bring presents. Honestly that is a superb idea!!!

As much as I would love doing that, Sig.Ot reminded me of the recent weather unpredictability. Furthermore if my parents will be attending the party, humidity in Singapore is something you need time to acclimatise to. Otherwise not only will you be soaked through the moment you leave the air-conditioned car, you can almost hear the sizzles of sunlight as they give the surrounding trees a hand with photosynthesis.

Therefore I am settling for an indoor party at a play place called Bambini Playclub It is pretty cool and consists four levels of obstacles. Think Funhouse. Obviously there is a big market here for places like this. They have packages you could select complete with theme options. The shocking bit (to me at least) is the price! The cheapest I have encountered is $350. You could invite up to 25 kids. Nevermind the price, I don't want to invite 25 kids!!!

I saw another place with an advertisement of $100 discount. Upon closer inspection, in 10 font sizes smaller, it says that usual price is $750 which brings the total to $650 for a bloody kiddy party. There is not even booze!!!! If they were to throw in free flow beer it would be a different story.

Well I am not going to take up any packages. I am just going to select 1o nice kids from the playground i.e. the polite ones who greet me, and bring them to this play place. I will bring my own cake, packet juice and order 1 for 1 Canadian Pizza. After all, what matters at the end of the day is that one photograph of Eddie sitting with his 1st birthday cake.