Sunday, January 18, 2009

Made of Honor with KFC

When you first meet a prospective boyfriend, you would usually run through a checklist in your head. Cute *Check* Funny *Check* Smart *Check* Things in common? Check for now.

Yes, it is important to have things in common so that you could both hold a conversation. In fact that's how a date is nailed in the first place. Something to talk about. Things to do together.

My Significant Other is away in Jakarta for work. So I decided to be adventurous and went to our local dvd rental shop (haha). I picked up Made of Honor, a movie I would have never gotten to watch with Sig.Ot. He hates romantic comedies. FYI, our movies selection last weekend were Death Race (Jason Stratham) and Death Proof (Tarantino).

I then realise that it is a good thing if a couple does not have EVERYTHING in common. There should be things that your partner has no interest in which you could do by yourself or with your friends. For instance, I love watching a romantic comedy while having KFC at the coffee table. Or movie nights with my friends at the cinema. Or drinks with my buddies. This is the reason why it works perfectly well for me that Sig.Ot is anti-social! I would rather have drinks with my friends without him.

But of course there are times that I wish he would take me to social events. When we were dating, he promised that he would take me to 2 social events per year, then we got married. And the wedding registration and wedding reception counted as 2 events in that year. Unfortunately since then, there isn't anymore events to go to.

In the mean time, I am eating my KFC. FYI, KFC in Singapore can't beat Malaysia's KFC.

1 comment:

a yummy mummy handbook said...

ure rite...the best KFC ever is in Malaysia...nothing beats!