Tuesday, September 16, 2008

TV Crossovers; Reality Muddled Up

I have not watched so much tv since primary/secondary school days when dubbed Japanese drama series (Maero Attak) were all the rage. Despite my dear hubby who complains about his cable tv provider for cheating him with all these reruns such as Friends, Desperate Housewives, Grey's etc, I find them perfect to help pass my time (not that I am that free). At the same time I get to do some catching up before new seasons are aired.

We all get crazy about certain drama series and get suckered by the characters, like how I always love McYummy instead of McDreamy, that we develop our own sense of reality within a show. Therefore when I see a patient of Burke lying on the operation table for heart problem, my little reality (S2 e22) gets a wake-up call because this particular patient was already shot dead in Desperate Housewives when she help up a department store!

I think I now understand why my husband refuses to watch CSI (the original) on the ground that Grissom killed Billy the Kid in Young Guns. The same reason also applies to his refusal to watch Private Practice because he maintained that those 2 (top left and centre) are not real doctors. One is a judge and the other a lawyer from 2 different drama series.


Reina Grosvalet said...

I had to comment here since you mentioned Billy the Kid. He is actually one of my distant relatives.

Mom again said...

The real one or the actor???

Reina Grosvalet said...

The real one.