Monday, September 15, 2008

a Squeeze they say....

I was reading the local paper today when I came across the celebrity gossip column. They were referring to Lewis Hamilton's current "squeeze", the Pussycatdoll chick. Ever since Lewis Hamilton became the star of Maclaren, the cynic in me knew that his highschool sweetheart Jodie Ma's days were numbered. And yes, perhaps due to very different schedules, geographical challenges and extremely different social circles have inevitably exposed Lewis to meeting new people, i.e. his post Jodie Ma girlfriends. He may have every right to date a different girl every different day of the week, but for the press to refer to a girlfriend as a "squeeze" is downright degrading. I do wonder what exactly was the writer thinking of when he picked the word "squeeze"? Do you see fit bottoms passing by and casually go, "Exqueeze me? May I have a squeeze? beep beep*road runner style*"

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