Friday, May 9, 2008

How Do I Pass My Days? Let Me Count the Ways....

1. Wait for the arrival of my baby

Looking for signs e.g. contractions, water bag break, bloody show etc.

2. Cook for my family

Today I'm cooking watercress soup, 'mui choi' with stewed meat, french beans with tofu, and szechuan salted vege with meat

3. Watch Taiwanese Hokkien gangster drama series

Every single male character wears suits, including the parang wielding gangster

4. Finding natural remedies for my sore throat, cough, phlegm and cold

I have tried warm milk with turmeric powder (gasp!) and honey. Surprisingly it wasn't as bad. After all, turmeric is from same family as ginger. In my slow cooker, I've got 2 oranges stewed whole with honey and rock sugar.

5. Read (stocks will soon be depleted)

Currently reading some sleazy Victorian romance. Thought of buying books in a newly open book store but turned out that bookstore is already closed (after just 2 months!)

1 comment:

little miss kechik said...

babe.. another source of books.. ...

lagi ape you boleh buat kat sini e.. hmm.. lemme think...



*still thinking..*